CyberShiela V1.0 Commands All User Commands Are ========================== !temp deg F/C !abbr abbreviation !8ball question !whois nick !cc countrycode !time !quote !ping me! !ping {nick} !scramble to play the game !hangman to play the game !games !flist !fget # !fstat *Not fully operational* !seen {nick} !shot {beverage} !lapdance !blowme !chanstat !version !food {food descript} !hug {nick} !kiss {nick} ========================== Advanced Operator Commands ========================== !clearscramble to clear the game on/off code if there is a problem. !addmaster user@host !remmaster user@host !diagnostic !listmasters !botquit (Quits Bot) !reload (reload config) !goto channel #channel !ai on/off Activates Interactive Mode !autovoice on/off !autotopic {Random Topic} !opme !advertise {message} (goes into channels and displays message) !restart (makes shiela reload her main program) !setuser {nick} {mode} mode can be O for OP V for Voice B for Banned ==========================